DTC Responds to SEC RFI With Notice of New RegTech/WealthTech Offering ​

Its game changing technology may effect what the SEC views as possible and reasonable in its evolving review of RegBI requirements.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Troy, MI – November 11, 2021 – Decision Technologies Corporation (DTC) has announced that it has responded to the SEC’s recently issued RFI regarding use of technology to develop and provide investment-advice, SEC RFI – FILE NO. S7-10-21, with a description of its newly launched ProRapidReview Tool (“ProRRT”), the first-of-its-kind RegTech/WealthTech application of its patented decision-assistance technology.

DTC’s ProRRT enables investment advisors and securities brokers to select multiple performance parameters and hierarchically arrange and weight them, profiling the ideal “investment effect” desired within any covered asset class. Using this composite blend of weighted performance factors, advisors and brokers can rapidly and objectively score and rank hundreds of choices, identifying which mutual funds and ETFs have been the best at producing the composite investment results they and their investor clients are seeking over time.

“After more than a decade of in-house testing and use with advisors and individual investors,” says Eric Smith, the Chairman & CEO of DTC, “we believe that in making it more broadly available, this technology will ultimately change the way investment selection is performed. This submission could ultimately affect what the SEC and other regulators view as regulatorily possible and reasonable.” 

Smith believes that “the combined RegTech and WealthTech effects of this technology could prove to be a ‘game changer,’ especially in helping users stay ahead of evolving new regulations and in conferring a meaningful competitive edge to early adopters through improving transparency, filtering out conflicts of interest, and enhancing chances of improving investment results.”

Read DTC’s response to the SEC’s RFI here.

DTC is the creator of the cutting-edge, patented decision-assistance technology which enables users of data, in a broad range of applications, to score and rank thousands of choices in a manner specific to individual needs, goals, and preferences by applying user-specified weighted blends of performance and other characteristics. Its decision engines are designed to address a growing challenge faced by people in in both their businesses and personal lives – the often-paralyzing complexity of decision making in a world of too many choices and too much information about them. DTC’s technology empowers users to optimize their choices in an objective way, cutting through market “noise”, filtering out conflicts of interest, and increasing probabilities of future success through facilitating better choices.

For more information contact:

Jack Findley, COO


+1 947-282-2901

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DTC Introduces Revolutionary Mutual Fund and ETF Ranking Tool for Investment Advisors.

DTC Introduces Revolutionary Mutual Fund and ETF Ranking Tool for Investment Advisors.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TROY, Mich., Nov. 4, 2021 — Decision Technologies Corporation (DTC) has announced its launch of a first-of-its-kind WealthTech/RegTech application of its patented decision-assistance technology that is designed to give investment advisors the ability to rapidly compare mutual funds and ETFs against all other available choices in ways never before possible.

It’s new ProRapidReview tool (“ProRRT”) enables users to select performance parameters and hierarchically arrange and weight them, profiling the ideal “investment effect” desired within any covered asset class. Using this composite blend of weighted performance factors, the ProRRT scores and ranks hundreds of choices in a way that objectively identifies which mutual funds and ETFs have been the best at producing the composite investment results users are seeking over time.

“In an industry where there is too much information and too many choices, investment advisors and their clients can truly benefit from a new, more effective way to evaluate which mutual funds and ETFs to choose and recommend,” said Eric Smith, CEO of Decision Technologies Corporation.

“The ProRapidReview is the only tool specifically designed to increase client recruitment, AUM, and new revenue,” he continued. “Advisors can use the tool to quickly show prospective clients the often-significant performance gaps between the mutual funds and ETFs they are holding and qualified alternatives. Because prospective clients will have never seen anything like this, much less been able to participate in how the scoring and ranking is performed, the effect is often dramatic as is the resulting competitive advantage for the advisor.”

It also helps advisors to ensure compliance with evolving federal and state “fiduciary” and “best interest” regulations by enabling advisors to provably demonstrate that their mutual fund and ETF recommendations truly meet their clients’ investment objectives and are in their clients’ best interests, by a process that filters out all conflicts of interest, both known and unknowable.

The ProRapidReview increases efficiency by dramatically reducing the time involved in investment selection and qualitative due diligence by focusing advisors’ attention on the top three to five choices rather than tens or hundreds or even thousands of available choices.

DTC is the creator of the cutting-edge, patented decision-assistance technology which enables users of data, in a broad range of applications, to score and rank thousands of choices in a manner specific to individual needs, goals, and preferences by applying user-specified weighted blends of performance and other characteristics. Its decision engines are designed to address a growing challenge faced by people in in both their businesses and personal lives – the often-paralyzing complexity of decision making in a world of too many choices and too much information about them. DTC’s technology empowers users to optimize their choices in an objective way, cutting through market “noise,” filtering out conflicts of interest, and increasing probabilities of future success through better choices.

To learn more contact

Jack Findley
+1 947-282-2901

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