Have Greater Confidence In Your Audit Process
Augments and heightens your ability to satisfy the SAS 145 framework for conducting a thorough and efficient audit.
Improve Testing for Regulatory Compliance
Now you can better test plan compliance with ERISA, DOL and other federal and state “fiduciary” and “best interest” regulations and case law, while producing the evidence that demonstrates your compliance with the evolving audit requirements of NOCLAR and SAS 145.
Happier Clients (and DOL) and Greater Peace of Mind
Lessen the risk of participant and/or DOL actions against plan sponsor clients. leading to greater peace of mind for both auditor and plan client alike.

Easily Identify a Range of Governance and Compliance Issues

By comparatively evaluating a plan’s investment choice lineup, using industry standard quantitative performance data of active mutual funds and ETFs that highlights investment choice-related issues and more.

48 Quantitative Factors To Work With

Use custom-selected blends of weighted multiple performance parameters to quickly test compliance with Investment Policy Statement guidelines and mandates.

Patented, Customizable Scoring and Ranking

Patented decision-assistance technology enables you to quickly and easily substantively test for and identify potential investment-related issues and other anomalies that give rise to Reportable Findings.

Helps Improve Your Audit Quality and Efficiency

And help plan sponsor clients better self-assess and improve the effectiveness of their own internal controls to better protect themselves from audit and regulatory issues and potential imprudence claims.

Unique Capabilities Advantages You Won’t Wish to Be Without

Want Greater Confidence In Your Audits of Plan Investments?

Both the Professional Rapid Review Tool℠ and the Investment Choice Protective Review℠ that utilizes it, gives you the unique ability to rapidly review plan investment choices to spot performance-based non-compliance with laws and regulations (NOCLARs) and possible material misstatements (MMSs).


Want Improved Regulatory Compliance for Your Plan Audits?

The Professional Rapid Review Tool℠ and the Investment Choice Protective Review℠ each help you better demonstrate compliance with SAS 145, DOL rules and regulations, and other evolving audit standards in the increasingly important (and litigious) area of investment choices within plans you’re auditing.

Want Your Audit Work to Better Protect Your Plan Sponsor Clients?

Participant legal actions against plan sponsors and trustees are increasingly focusing on chronically under-performing investment choices within their plans. The Professional Rapid Review Tool℠ and Investment Choice Protective Review℠ each help to rapidly identify such issues for correction and reducing the risk of litigation. The results: happier plan sponsor clients and plan participants, and greater peace of mind for you.

IMPORTANT NOTICE For Auditors of 401(k) and other DC plans

Current testing for control deficiencies of a plan’s investment management function is inadequate and can result in failure to uncover Reportable Findings, Deficiencies, and possible Misstatements.

“Plan Documents Decoded”, a presentation at the MICPA’s Employee Benefit Audit Forum, on May 14, 2024, explains how to:

·  Leverage a plan’s Investment Policy Statement (“IPS”) to ensure an audit approach that better aligns with SAS 145;

·  Utilize leading edge data analytics tools for assertion testing that complies with the Sufficient Audit Evidence rule; and,

·  Test for critical compliance with the ERISA, as clarified and expanded by recent court rulings (NOCLAR) per SAS 250.

Click here to access the presentation in its entirety. 

This is What Experts Say

Wagner GroupOpinion of Counsel
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The patented process behind The iCPR℠ may be “an evolving best practice for use in selecting and monitoring the performance of investments".
C. Michael CartyWall Street Quant
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The iCPR℠ utilizes a process which “filters out irrelevant information, focuses on relevant information, and identifies investment choices that are most likely in an investor’s best interest and most closely satisfy their risk/return preferences.”
Wagner GroupOpinion of Counsel
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The patented process behind The iCPR℠ may be “an evolving best practice for use in selecting and monitoring the performance of investments".
C. Michael CartyWall Street Quant
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The iCPR℠ utilizes a process which “filters out irrelevant information, focuses on relevant information, and identifies investment choices that are most likely in an investor’s best interest and most closely satisfy their risk/return preferences.”

Consulting Help Is Available

For auditors wishing consulting help with this new analytical process and/or broader Investment Choice Protective Review℠ (iCPR℠), or wish a qualified professional to perform it for them, that help is available.

ProRapidReview℠ for Plan Auditors

The Checkup℠

$ 0
  • Anonymous Investment Data
  • Full ProRRT℠ Features & Functions
  • Training & Support Access
  • Use as a Sales Tool
  • Screen Your Current Choices
  • Unlimited Free Subscription
Free Trial

The ProRRT℠

$ 599 Monthly
  • Full Investment Data
  • Full Knowledge Base Access
  • One-on-One Support
  • Group/Team Training
  • Enterprise Plans Available
  • License for a Single User
  • Eligible for Individual & Institutional

The ProRRT℠

$ 299 Per Month for 12 Months
  • Full Investment Data
  • Full Knowledge Base Access
  • One-on-One Support
  • Group/Team Training
  • Enterprise Plans Available
  • License for a Single User
  • Eligible for Individual & Institutional

The ProRRT℠

$ 2999 Yearly
  • Full Investment Data
  • Full Knowledge Base Access
  • One-on-One Support
  • Group/Team Training
  • Enterprise Plans Available
  • License for a Single User
  • Eligible for Individual & Institutional

Plan Sponsor or Trustee?

If you are a Retirement Plan Sponsor or Trustee, you’ll be pleased to know that the decision-assistance technology is directly available to you for self-audits and for better exercising your fiduciary oversight over the activities and recommendations of your investment advisor.