Introducing “RITA” for
Retirement Plan Participants!

If you are an individual participant in an employer-sponsored 401(k) or 403(b) plan, you’ll be pleased to know that a simplified and easier to use version of the patented, decision-assistance technology used to perform the TEPI-facilitated protective reviews for your plan’s trustees has been designed specifically for you to score and rank your own mutual funds and ETF investments.  It’s called “Rita℠”, which stands for “Retail Investment Tracking Application℠”.

Rather than the 48 performance factors available in the Professional RapidReview Tool℠ (ProRRT℠), used by professional investment advisors licensed to perform the protective reviews, there are 24 factors. But these 24 are the most commonly used of those 48 and should be all that you will need to help you answer this key question for yourself:

“Of all the available mutual fund and ETF choices, which ones are best for me?”

Perhaps you, like most investors, have become convinced that there is no way to definitively answer that question . . . that here are simply so many choices (now nearly 30,000 mutual funds and ETFs) and so much information about them that it would be impossible to do so.  Unfortunately, in a world with too many choices and too much information, having no practical way to comparatively evaluate them is the functional equivalent of having no information at all.  We’re working to change this!

In a vendor-dominated financial services marketplace, in which regulators appear to be very concerned about how conflicts of interest can harm individual investors, perhaps the “best help” is “self-help.”

Have you ever wondered just how good recommended choices actually are, compared to all similar available choices, and how well they meet your individual needs goals and preferences?

Our Goal is to enable individual investors to quickly and easily comparatively evaluate the broad arrays of available mutual funds and ETFs to identify those best match their individual needs, goals, and preferences . . . completely objectively and in a way that effectively filters out all conflicts of interest. Rita℠ is huge step towards achieving that Goal.

If you’ve ever wondered how good your mutual funds and ETFs area in comparison with all of the others you could have selected, now is your chance to find out. 

Click below to learn more about Rita℠ and to get Rita℠ working for you.