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Why You Need to Catch and Correct Plan Deficiencies BEFORE Your Plan’s Audit.
If your plan has 100 or more participants, you’re required to have it annually audited and that audit report is required to be filed with your Form 5500 with the Department of Labor (DOL). This is not just an operational detail to be casually taken for granted.

Hidden Advisor Fees: Ninth Circuit and DOL Let the Sunshine In
Hidden Advisor Fees: Ninth Circuit and DOL Let the Sunshine In 9th Circ. ERISA Ruling Informs DOL’s New Fiduciary Proposal Jeff Mamorsky’s article provides important information that all plan sponsors, trustees, and plan counsel need to see.

$125M Warning to All 401(k) Plan Sponsors, Trustees, and Advisors.
$125M Warning to All 401(k) Plan Sponsors, Trustees, and Advisors. This massive $125 million class-action lawsuit and DOL settlement against a 401(k) plan sponsor, its trustees, and its investment advisors is a warning to all plan sponsors, trustees, and advisors.

Lawsuits against three Chicago heavyweights spotlight defunct Northern Trust funds
Lawsuits against three Chicago heavyweights spotlight defunct Northern Trust funds Walgreens, Allstate and Northern itself are accused of making poor-performing Northern investment options a centerpiece of their employees’ retirement plans.

Newly Filed Suits Now Take Aim at Target Date Funds and Lowest Cost Choices in 401(k) Plans – What Are Plan Trustees to Do Now?
Do you think that your 401(k), 403(b), 457, or other defined contribution plan’s use of “target date retirement funds” (TDFs) makes you “safe,” as a plan sponsor or trustee, from being named in a class-action lawsuit claiming that you have breached your fiduciary duty?

Plan Fiduciaries Prevail In First Published Appellate Opinion Applying Supreme Court’s ERISA Ruling In Hughes v. Northwestern
Fiduciaries for this 401k plan dodged a bullet. Plan participants will now be able to identify the performance gaps in their own plans and hold Plan Trustees and Sponsors accountable…

Why You Need to Catch and Correct Plan Deficiencies BEFORE Your Plan’s Audit.

Hidden Advisor Fees: Ninth Circuit and DOL Let the Sunshine In

$125M Warning to All 401(k) Plan Sponsors, Trustees, and Advisors.

Lawsuits against three Chicago heavyweights spotlight defunct Northern Trust funds

Newly Filed Suits Now Take Aim at Target Date Funds and Lowest Cost Choices in 401(k) Plans – What Are Plan Trustees to Do Now?

Plan Fiduciaries Prevail In First Published Appellate Opinion Applying Supreme Court’s ERISA Ruling In Hughes v. Northwestern
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